Creekside Podium Townhomes, consists of two adjacent parcels of land California (APN' s 284-03-009 & 284-03-010), which have been approved for the development of nineteen single family residential attached townhomes on a
podium with a parking garage beneath. The two tax parcels. The approved development has four three-story (4-plex) buildings that consists of two different floor plans and one three-story (3-plex) building.
All nineteen of the townhouse units are three-stories high and contain three bedrooms and two and one-half baths. There are six different unit floor
plans as follows: Unit A (9 townhouse units) has 1,363 square feet, Unit A Ext (6 townhouse units) has 1,341 square feet, Unit B (1 townhouse unit) has
1,343 square feet, Unit C (1 townhouse unit) has 1,397 square feet, Unit D (1 townhouse unit) has 1,543 square feet and Unit E (1 townhouse unit) has 1,317
square feet. All of the units total 25,913 square feet and the average square footage is 1,364.